Located in Gordon Street, The Autism Hub offers a lifespan of support to autistic people, families, and carers. The hub is home to AIM and The Toby Henderson Trust.
The Toby Henderson Trust supports families. Their services include: 1:1 family support appointments, support groups, targeted webinars, a resource centre and provide a listening ear.
Autism In Mind (AIM) support autistic adults. See below for more information on our services.
AIM South Tyneside is a pre and post-diagnostic service for autistic adults* (who do not have a learning disability) and have a South Tyneside GP.
*Please see our online referral forms for referral criteria.
Our psychoeducational course ‘Me, Myself & Autism’ supports autistic adults to have a greater understanding of their autism and what it means to them. The MMA course can only be accessed post-diagnosis.
The MMA course runs for 6 weeks.
At the end of the course we hold an online Me. Myself & Autism for Families session where relatives/friends have an overview of the course content.
Low-Level Preventative Support to assist with communication and promote self-advocacy. We offer:
Practical support with things autistic people finds difficult, communication and self-advocacy, to teach new skills and increased confidence.
Emotional support to listen to and validate autistic experience.
Autistic adults and young people aged 14 and over, are now eligible for an NHS yearly health check.
Autism In Mind can support you to access your health check. We have a dedicated health link worker who works alongside clinicians to ensure that your health check is accessible and meaningful to you.
Our sensory OT carries out individual assessments resulting in the creation of a sensory diet plan.
sensory workshops for learning about sensory differences and self-support strategies.
Support for autistic people who are at risk of admission into mental health inpatient settings, as well as people being discharged back to South Tyneside from inpatient services.
Specialist Support/
Hospital Discharge
Health Link
Course Facilitator/
Preventative Support
Course Facilitator/
Peer Support
Course Facilitator/
Peer Support
To learn more about how we can help or to request our assistance and support, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Autism Hub, 10 Gordon Street, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 4JP
Telephone: 0191 5700047 Text: 07800 005228 Email: contact@autisminmind.com
Today | By Appointment |
Please note: We operate a 5 day a week service, however, we only work from The Autism Hub on a Thursday and Friday.
We are closed on Bank Holidays.
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