AIM Sunderland is a post-diagnostic service* for autistic adults (who do not have a learning disability) and live in Sunderland.
*Please see our referral forms (above) for referral criteria.
Our psychoeducational course ‘Me, Myself & Autism’ supports autistic adults to have a greater understanding of what it means to be autistic.
The course runs for 6 weeks.
At the end of the course we hold an online Me. Myself & Autism for Families session where relatives/friends can receive an overview of the course.
Low-Level Preventative Support to assist with communication and promote self-advocacy. We offer:
Practical support with things autistic people finds difficult, communication and self-advocacy, to teach new skills and increased confidence.
Emotional support to listen to and validate autistic experience.
Speech and Language (SALT) – individuals who complete the Me, Myself & Autism course will be offered the opportunity to access a SALT assessment after which a report will be produced.
Sensory Support – sensory workshops for learning about sensory differences and self-support strategies.
Course Facilitator/
Preventative Support
Course Facilitator/
Preventative Support
Course Facilitator/
Peer Support
Course Facilitator/
Peer Support
To learn more about how we can help or to request our assistance and support, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Software Centre, Tavistock Place, Sunderland, SR1 1PB
Telephone: 0191 5700047 Text: 07800 005228 Email:
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Please note: We are closed on Bank Holidays
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